1885 New Jersey State Census
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Hľadať v 1885 New Jersey State Census
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1885 New Jersey State Census
Počet záznamov 1 158 148
This collection contains census records from the state of New Jersey, United States from the year 1885. Records typically include the name of the individual, place of birth, relatives in the household and residence information. Additional details can be found on each record’s associated image.<br><br>The index of this collection was produced from scanned images of the original documents by MyHeritage.
Príklad záznamov
Alice PaulResidence: 1885 - Mount Laurel, Burlington, New Jersey, United States
Alice Paul was an American Quaker, suffragette, feminist, and women's rights activist. Paul was one of the foremost leaders and strategists of the campaign for the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits sex discrimination in the right to vote. After 1920, Paul led the National Woman's Party for over fifty years, advocating for the Equal Rights Amendment to secure constitutional equality for women. Paul achieved a major victory with the inclusion of women as a protected group against discrimination in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.