1900 Sweden Census
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1900 Sweden Census
Počet záznamov 4 963 601
This collection contains the 1900 census records from Sweden. Records typically include names, year and place of birth, relatives in the household and residence information. Additional details can be found on each record’s associated image.<br><br>Sweden did not take an official census in the same form as other countries, but registered the population through household examination and taxation records. These were usually collected by the local parish priest or clerk.
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Príklad záznamov
Carl Olof LarssonResidence :1900 - Katarina Rote 13, Stockholms Stad, Sverige
Larsson was a Swedish painter and key figure in the Arts and Crafts movement, renowned for his watercolors depicting idyllic family life. His most famous work, Midvinterblot (Midwinter Sacrifice), is displayed at the Swedish National Museum of Fine Arts.