Inventors of historical patents
Počet zaznamov 258,995,128
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Hľadať v Inventors of historical patents
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Kľúčové slová
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Inventors of historical patents
Počet záznamov 258 995 128
This collection is an index of inventors of patents issued around the world. The most common countries of origin are the United States, Japan and China, which together comprise over half of the collection. Records may contain the following searchable information: first and last name of the owner or co-owner of the patent, the country where the patent was published, and the date of publication. The following may also be found in most records: title, abstract, publication number, filing date, and the assignee.<br><br>Less than one percent of the records is dated from before 1904, with the earliest record from 1782. This collection was prepared with the help of Google Patents Public Data by IFI CLAIMS Patent Services and Google under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Súvisiace kategórie záznamov:
Príklad záznamov
Nikola TeslaPatent: Method Of Obtaining Direct From Alternating Currents
Nikola Tesla bol srbsko-americký vynálezca, elektrotechnik, strojný inžinier a futurista, ktorý je známy svojimi vynálezmi a návrhmi moderného systému prenosu elektrickej energie striedavým prúdom.