USA, I. svetová vojna, registrácia povolaných osôb 1917-1918
Počet zaznamov 24,870,511
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Hľadať v USA, I. svetová vojna, registrácia povolaných osôb 1917-1918
Internment place
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USA, I. svetová vojna, registrácia povolaných osôb 1917-1918
Počet záznamov 24 870 511
Vzor registračnej karty mužov (vo veku 18 až 45 rokov) v Spojených štátoch bol zavedený do systému Selective Service v roku 1917 a 1918. Každý registrujúci vyplnil malú obojstranná kartu do ktorej zadal svoje meno, aktuálnu adresu bydliska, dátum narodenia, miesto narodenia, vek, rodinnný stav, rasu, povolanie, zamestnávat ľa, status občianstva a ďalšie informácie o jeho najbližších príbuzných.<br><br>When the United States declared war on the German Empire on April 6, 1917 its standing army was comprised of approximately 100,000 men with another 115,000 in National Guard units. President Wilson immediately directed the Department of War to work to increase the army to a one million-man force. However, six weeks after war was declared only 73,000 new recruits had volunteered for military service.<br><br>Military planners and political leaders had correctly anticipated the general apathy in the nation for the war effort at its onset and almost as soon as war was declared work began in the US Congress to enact updated conscription legislation. Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 18, 1917. This act authorized the federal government to raise a national army through compulsory enlistment.<br><br>The initial Selective Service Act required all men aged 21 to 30 to register. In August 1918, at the request of the War Department, Congress amended the law to expand the age range to include all men aged 18 to 45.<br><br>Three specific registrations were conducted: <br><br><ul><li>June 5, 1917. This first registration was for all men between the ages of 21 and 31.</li><li>June 5, 1918. The second registration was for those who had turned 21 after June 5, 1917 and a supplemental registration included in the second registration was held on August 24, 1918, for those who turned 21 years old after June 5, 1918.</li><li>September 12, 1918. The third, and final registration was for all men aged 18 through 45 not previously enrolled.</li></ul><br>By the end of the First World War, some 2 million men had volunteered for military service and 2.8 million other men had been drafted. Accordingly, a draft registration does not imply that the individual ended up being drafted or that he didn’t volunteer separately. <br><br>The handwriting on the card is normally that of a registration board worker usually labeled the “registrar”. However, almost all cards contain the signature or “mark” in the handwriting of the registrant himself.
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Edwin HubbleWalworth County, Wisconsin, United States
Americký astronóm, ktorý zohral kľúčovú úlohu na poli extragalactickej astronómie a je všeobecne považovaný za jedneho z najdôležitejších pozorovateľov kozmu v 20. storočí. Jeho meno nesie Hubble Space Telescope, ktorý bol tak pomenovaný na jeho počesť.